Thursday, September 4, 2014

Eastern twist on modern

I've been browsing online for some ideas to decorate, the cosy corner I'll be creating in our new workshop.

Found some beautiful things.... Love the Elephant Candle!

Oooh I'm so excited...

Now wheres that paint???

Eastern twist on modern

Hello my lovelies....  

Isn't it just crazy how fast the last few months have flown by,  time sure feels like its speeding up to me

Here in Anniebee land we've been working like little trojans getting our little craft shed ready to transfer the bags & Gifts making equipment out of the house and into the craft shed

We have a lovely little cottage, and as our business kinda just happened. We never planned for the extra room that we'd need for the masses of equipment and stock we've accumalated over the last three years,  since starting a home based business based in Pembroke, Pembrokeshire, Where I Handcraft & customise Jute Bags and gifts to order 

Its been such a fabulous experience so far, I often wonder how I managed to get this far,
especially when I never left school with any qualifications.  Never took any business courses or exams, yet here I am moving along in leaps and bounds! 

Knowledge is power and I spend any spare moment I have online, learning about ways to run, grow and improve my business, whether its to help to improve my art, graphics, marketing, networking, setting up social platforms, writing my blogs...Theres always something that Im learning about! 

Hehe feels like ive had homework everyday for three years lol!

My hubby tells me Im like a sponge for knowledge! 

I remember someone telling me  " readers are leaders " Hehe Never thought I'd leading our business and  Wow!  have I learnt so much in a short space of time!  I still have a longgg way to go and I'm keeping my beady eye fixed on the goal.

We have lots of plans and I could burst with ideas somedays. .. but everything takes time and money, we'll get there 

The short break that I'm taking atm to work on the projects, to help grow my business has helped so much.

A BIG BIG Thank you to my loyal friends and followers that have supported us and everyone thats helped along the way building our new craft shed come workshop 

I'm super excited that the builders working on the plastering now. 

I can't wait for the painting and decorating to begin, after spending months picturing how I want it to look in my minds eye, 

imagining all of the lovely things I'll have room to make its going to be amazing to have my own little creative haven... hehe away from all the noise of the world outside.

let there be light! 
roof timber

Feels like its taken forever to get this far but were relieved that 

it will be completed well before the bad weather rolls in for the Autumn/ Winter season

Been thinking about the fittings and flooring and I've got so many ideas racing through my head, think its wise to make a plan of the layout 

Its gna be fun to paint it i'm thinking stripes or maybe I'll paint a scene... hmmm so many choices but living in Pembrokeshire with so much natural beauty around us, I won't be short on inspiration
Its so quiet in comparison to the house to, I guess when your surrounded by sound all of the time you become accustomed to things like the buzzing of the freezer.

The quiet will do me good, it will be perfect for meditation and give me plenty of peace and quiet for me to think and plan ahead 
theres a calming feel to the inside already

Im going to put a few Orgone energy pyramids and hanging Crystals around my new space to create positive energy.

The reflections projected from them looks stunning when the light catches them and they look

pretty sat along the windowledge 

Thats about it with the craft shed update for now folks, I'll keep you posted and there'll be more updates coming soon with lots of Awesome Ideas on how to " Create your space "


Keep a look out for my  "Orgone Energy Pyramid " Tutorial and learn " how - to"  make your own beautiful pyramids and jewellery